Независимо от того, где вы находитесь или размер вашего заказа, у нас есть множество платежных решений, которые помогут вам начать. Как только вы попытаетесь, вы поймете, что международная торговля так же проста, как регулярные посещения магазинов.
Мы принимаем следующие три способа оплаты:
Пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом сразу после перевода средств. Банковский перевод обычно занимает 3 - 4 дня. Чтобы начать производство как можно скорее, если ваш статус заказа остается « неоплаченным» через 5 дней, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.
Если вы решите использовать кредитную карту для оплаты, PayPal будет защищать ваши личные данные, тем самым снижая риск использования кредитной карты другими людьми.
d) Гарантии идентичны банковским переводам и имеют схожий характер.
Global Banking Collection Details
Bank country US
Bank currency USD
Account name GETS LIMITED
Account number 8334311178
Bank name Community Federal Savings Bank
Bank address Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019, US
ACH routing number 026073150
Fedwire routing number 026073008
Domestic ACH Transfer Takes 1-5 day
Domestic Fedwire Transfer Takes 0-1 day
Bank country GB
Bank currency GBP
Account name GETS LIMITED
Account number 54254914
IBAN GB28SAPY60838254254914
Bank name Banking Circle S.A. UK Branch
Bank address 24 King William Street,London, EC4R 9AT
Bank code 608382
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a CHAPS/BACS/FPS Payment
Domestic Faster Payments Transfer Takes 0-1 day
Domestic BACS Transfer Takes 1-2 day
Domestic CHAPS Transfer Takes 0-1 day
Bank country EU
Bank currency EUR
Account name GETS LIMITED
Bank name The Currency Cloud
Bank address 12 Steward Street, The Steward Building, London, E1 6FQ, GB
IBAN GB17TCCL00997944008922
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a SEPA Payment
Domestic SEPA Transfer Takes 0-1 day
International SWIFT Transfer Takes 0-3 day
Bank country CA
Bank currency CAD
Account name GETS LIMITED
Bank name Digital Commerce Bank
Bank address 736 Meridian Road N.E, Calgary, Alberta, CA
Account number 967560145
Routing Number 035210009( institution number:352; transit number:10009)
ZIP/Postal Code 10009
Account location T2A 2N7
SWIFT code T2A 2N7
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a EFT Payment
Domestic EFT Transfer Takes 0-1 day
Bank country AU
Bank currency AUD
Account name GETS LIMITED
Bank name BC Payments Australia
Bank address Level 11, 10 Carrington Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000
Account number 054254914
Account location Australia
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a BECS/Instant payment.
Bank country JP
Bank currency JPY
Account name GETS LIMITED
Bank name Deutsche Bank AG, Hong Kong
Bank address 57/F, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Account number 9988001351458
Bank code 054
Account location Hong Kong (China)
Branch number 895
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a SWIFT/CHATS Payment
Domestic Zengin Transfer Takes 0-1 day
Bank country SG
Bank currency SGD
Account name GETS LIMITED
Bank name Deutsche Bank AG, Hong Kong
Bank address 57/F, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Account number 9988001351458
Bank code 054
Account location Hong Kong (China)
Branch number 895
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a SWIFT/CHATS Payment
Domestic FAST Transfer Takes 0-1 day
Domestic MEPS Transfer Takes 0-1 day
Domestic GIRO Transfer Takes 0-1 day
International SWIFT Transfer Takes 0-3 day
Bank country NZ
Bank currency NZD
Account name GETS LIMITED
Bank name DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
Bank address 11th Floor, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Account number 79969000675076
Bank code 016
Branch code 478
SWIFT code DHBKHKHH ( DHBKHKHHXXX * If 11 characters are required )
Account location Hong Kong (China)
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a SWIFT(T/T) or CHATS(HK Local) Payment.
Domestic Bank Transfer Takes 0-1 day
Bank country HK
Bank currency HKD
Account name GETS LIMITED
Account number 79969000675076
Bank name DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
Bank address 11th Floor, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Account location Hong Kong (China)
SWIFT code DHBKHKHH ( DHBKHKHHXXX * If 11 characters are required )
Bank code 016
Branch number 478
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a SWIFT(T/T) or CHATS(HK Local) Payment.
Bank country MX
Bank currency MXN
Account name GETS LIMITED
Account number 646010319801475063
Bank name Sistema de Transferencias y Pagos STP
Bank address Av.Insurgentes Sur 1425, Insurgentes mixcoac, Benito Juarez, 03920 Ciudad de Mexico, CDMX, Mexico
Account location Mexico
Bank code 646
Branch number 010
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a SPEI/ACH/SWIFT Payment
Bank country DK
Bank currency DKK
Account name GETS LIMITED
Account number 0054254914
Bank name Banking Circle Denmark
Reg number 8900
Bank address Lautrupsgade 13-15, 2100 Copenhagen
Account location Denmark
Remark For the payment of goods, please make a DKK Local Payments Payment